Bonelli’s eagle confiscated in Sicily transferred to Spain
A rare Bonelli’s eagle was recently transferred from Sicily to Spain, in a breeding center managed by GREFA (Grupo para la Recuperación de la Fauna Autóctona y su Hábitat). The eagle will enter a breeding captivity program, with the young eagles expected to be transferred back to Sicily.
The actors involved in this interventions are: Gruppo Tutela Rapaci Sicilia (group of NGOs actively involved in conservation activities in Sicily), the Natural Reserve “Lago di Vico”, the CITES department of the Forestry Service, a Spanish Ministry (Ministerio de Agricultura, Alimentación y Medio Ambiente) and GREFA.
This eagle was confiscated to poachers in 2014 and then transferred to a rescue center in the Natural Reserve of Lago di Vico (Latium, Central Italy).